Friday, December 3, 2021

As I Said, Merck's Lagevrio® (molnupiravir) Will Be Fine...

I will not belabor this at any length, as both pills will be ordered in massive quantities, globally -- unless and until it is definitively shown that they won't work, at all, against Omicron or some future variant (unlikely in the extreme).

Here is the latest (by Tweet, no less), though both versions have yet to clear Canada's version fo the FDA, called Health Canada.

. . .NEW: Procurement minister @FilomenaTassi announces Canada is buying 1 million COVID anti-viral pills from @pfizer and 500k from @Merck, with option for up to 500k more. This is pending approval by Health Canada. . . .

Okay -- do be excellent to one another. I'm off the clock, now. . . .


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