Friday, December 3, 2021

Friday Trivia: The Merck / Federal Propecia® (Finasteride) MDL Will See No More Filings. Thus, Officially At An End?

We had covered this for well-over a decade. The money settlement was final a few years ago. But to the extent that newer individual cases arrived in the federal courts, they were to be transferred to Brooklyn, for handling under the multi-district litigation rules.

Now, while there are a few cases still pending in state courts around the nation, the federal MDL docket is. . . closed, per an order I am just now mentioning, but it was docketed in mid-October of this year:

. . .MDL Conditional MINUTE ORDER SUSPENDING RULE 7.1(a) -- Panel Rule 7.1(a), requiring notification to the Clerk of the Panel of potential tag-along actions, is hereby suspended in this litigation until further notice.

(Marziliano, August). . . .

Now you know -- onward, smiling into a fun-infused early holiday weekend of activities, even if the skies are gray. . . .


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