Thursday, December 16, 2021

[Tangent: Trademark Theft Dept.] Yawn. On Some Dipsticks' Site Called "Daily Wire", Candace Owens Farmer Is Hawking Inferior Quality Active Wear...

It is all wildly-overpriced, in view of the low quality of the goods, and graphics, involved. [And, as irony would have it -- it is mostly all made in. . . China.]

[No surprise there -- consider her "Freedom Phone" episode, as one of many.]

But I write because she seems to prove the adage that "an envious heart cannot be. . . original."

You see, she felt it necessary to steal from and/or co-opt the then-sublime BHO 44 2008 campaign-trademarked graphics, whole-sale -- and make a ham-handed play for "Yes We Can[dace]" as an animating graphic.

I won't link her clothing site, but you may see it from her Twitter feed. Or (likely) buy it, direct, in some crap-store in the building in Nashville, where she tapes her "show".

She is a sad, bitter and increasingly. . . irrelevant human.

I'm out now. Be excellent to one another -- or, at least. . . if you cannot be excellent -- be original, for one another.


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