Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Updated Scheduling, In Manhattan, Re The "Electric Avenue" Willful Infringement Of Mr. Grant's Copyrighted Music -- By Team Tangerine.

This is just a brief update, on where things stand on this matter. If there is any sense of justice left in America -- Mr. Grant will prevail, here. Even so, Baby-T will try to avoid a sworn deposition, despite the fact that his personal accounts tweeted the infringing ad out, to his assembled masses.

[We will -- as a side-note, mention here that we are honoring the sacrifice of the life of Laika, a sturdy stray pup that was consumed by heat (the retro-fit Russian heat shield snapped off, before leaving Earth's atmosphere) -- shortly after reaching orbit, in Sputnik 2, on this day, sixty-four years ago. See the masthead above. She died, so that humans could find out whether their bodies might survive the G-forces of reaching orbit. . . .]

In any event, back to the main litigation update story: here is the full seven page plan document:

. . .Are there any anticipated discovery disputes?

▲ Plaintiffs: Counsel for Defendant Donald J. Trump are unable to confirm that he will appear for a deposition.

▲ Defendants: At the parties’ Rule 26(f) conference, Defendants’ counsel stated that it would consider Plaintiffs’ request for Mr. Trump’s deposition once the parties have had an opportunity to seek and exchange discovery. The Animation was created by a third-party entity without the involvement or solicitation of Defendants. Mr. Trump may not have any knowledge regarding the creation and/or posting of the Animation. . . .

Of course, it doesn't matter what Tangerine did to create it -- it appeared in his personal, official Twitter feed -- a feed (purportedly) followed by 43 million people. He is responsible whether he created it or not. Onward, grinning but do click this for relevant dates and deadlines. Onward, grinning. . . .


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