Thursday, November 11, 2021

[U] Pure Fun Dept.: Hat Tip, To "Anon."! Banksy Gets... Punked, By Christopher Walken "The-a-a-a-a-ter", In The UK?!

Just do go read it -- I won't spoil it.

Okay -- okay. . . maybe I'll spoil it a little. But anyone who did not enjoy "Christopher Walken Theater" -- on SNL. . . is dead to me. So this one brings together two of my (trivial) fave fetishes. . . smile.

. . .Paintings by the anonymous street artist Banksy sell for millions of dollars. But in just moments one of his most recent creations was destroyed by none other than Hollywood actor Christopher Walken. Banksy's latest offering, titled "The Rat," appears at the end of the final episode of "The Outlaws," a BBC drama written, directed and starring Stephen Merchant, co-creator of British comedy series "The Office."

"The Outlaws" is set in the southern English city of Bristol. Many of Banksy's earliest murals appeared in Bristol, leading many to believe that the anonymous artist hails from the city. . . .

As our erstwhile commenter surmises, below, I strongly suspect the artist consented to the Bristol wipe out; and I suspect it will magically "reappear", on one luminous dawn. . . in the coming weeks. Huge grin!

Updated: the above suggested by. . . our Anon., of course!



Anonymous said...

Maybe the artist will add it under the banner of 'more cow bell~~!'

condor said...


That's a. . . winner!


A classic!

Anonymous said...

classic...thank you.

condor said...

This is. . . excellent!

Our erstwhile Anon. has found an MSM story proving the hunches above were correct:

Nov. 17, 2021:

on a different note, we were correct:



". . .Stephen Merchant, the show’s creator, “made contact with Banksy” and asked him to “graffiti something on our set, which we could then paint over so that it would only exist in the TV show itself,” he explained in a video shared on Twitter. . . ."

It seems some people have actually posited that Merchant himself. . . Is "Banksy." [Thus my bolded bit, from the story above.]

Fun stuff!
