Friday, November 26, 2021

[U] Lauren Boebert (R., White-Separatist-Stan) Should Resign. She Is Manifestly UNFIT To Represent The Centennial State.

She now claims it was a joke (at a Colorado Thanksgiving Day appearance -- video of it, now available on Twitter -- see the links in comments, below). It was not -- it is a core part of her on-brand belief structure (for her), and her small band of constituents, steeped in hate.

She is. . . a malignant cancerous growth, on the face of America. Before, hidden under the belly, now her hatred arrives in public, and unbidden -- for all the world to see. Here is The Guardian (UK) on it, but a censure is inadequate. Hell, I may just move to my other place in Colorado for six months, just to work to have her ousted by the voters:

. . .She made the comments about Omar in her home district over the Thanksgiving break.

“Actually I have an Ilhan story for you,” Boebert told an audience, to laughter. “So, the other night on the House floor was not my first ‘Jihad Squad’ moment.

“So I was getting into an elevator with one of my staffers. You know, we’re leaving the Capitol and we’re going back to my office and we get an elevator and I see a Capitol police officer running to the elevator. I see fret all over his face, and he’s reaching, and the door’s shutting, like I can’t open it, like what’s happening. I look to my left, and there she is. Ilhan Omar.

“And I said, ‘Well, she doesn’t have a backpack, we should be fine.’

The audience laughed and applauded.

“We only had one floor to go,” Boebert continued. “I said, ‘Oh look, the Jihad Squad decided show up for work today.’. . .”

What a piece of wasted human potential. . . is Boebert.


1 comment:

  1. And just to keep the record complete -- Boebert's remarks are on video -- on Twitter (BTW, her tee shirt reads "Guns don't kill people; Alec Baldwin does!"):

    At the same event, she seditiously called Mar-A-Lago the "real White House":

    But perhaps most telling of all, at roughly the same time a then-young Ilhan Omar was spending four years alternately freezing and starving in a refugee camp. . . Lauren Boebert was amassing an long criminal record, with arrests for fraud, evading and forgery, among other matters, here in the US.

    So -- I ask you -- who represents the best of America, and whom. . . the worst?

    Onward, disgusted
