Friday, November 26, 2021

Parker Is Travelling Fast Enough To Go From Earth To The Moon In UNDER An Hour (Apollo Took Three Days)...

As of November 21, the Parker Solar speeder had hit her midpoint, in this tenth pass relatively near the Sun (at 5.3 million miles out). She is traveling at a jaw-dropping over one-third of a million miles an hour, now.

She will continue to tighten her orbital loop, using Venus from time to time for a gravity-assisted slingshot effect, or later, to slow down, and let her "fall in", closer to Sol, through 2023. She continues to perform flawlessly, and will download this latest data -- from late December to early-January. Here's the latest from NASA:

. . .The close approach (known as perihelion), also at a record distance, occurred at 4:25 a.m. EST (8:25 UTC), with Parker Solar Probe moving 364,660 miles per hour (586,864 kilometers per hour). The milestone also marked the midway point in the mission’s 10th solar encounter, which began Nov. 16 and continues through Nov. 26. . . .

Onward, ever onward. . . into that "undiscovered country" -- the future -- grinning.


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