Friday, November 26, 2021

After Joint NASA | ESA Review, Nothing Seems Amiss On Next-Gen Space 'Scope -- So December 22 Remains Targeted Launch Date...

We had earlier mentioned that a metal clamp band had snapped, in assembling the capsule to the rocket -- violently shaking the entire structure.

But a review has confirmed the mission is go for fuel up, and thus, for its original launch date.

. . .Engineering teams have completed additional testing confirming NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is ready for flight, and launch preparations are resuming toward [redacted's] target launch date of Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 7:20 a.m. EST.

Additional testing was conducted this week to ensure the observatory’s health following an incident that occurred when the release of a clamp band caused a vibration throughout the observatory.

On Wednesday, Nov. 24, engineering teams completed these tests, and a NASA-led anomaly review board concluded no observatory components were damaged in the incident. A “consent to fuel” review was held, and NASA gave approval to begin fueling the observatory. Fueling operations will begin Thursday, Nov. 25, and will take about 10 days. . . .

Now you know. . . family times are the. . . sweetness, and spice, of our life-times. Smile. . . .


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