Monday, November 1, 2021

Do Go Read Marcy Wheeler / "EmptyWheel" This Morning, Filing From Ireland -- She's On Fire...

I won't steal too much of her thunder, other than to introduce her topic:

She explains this morning why it is jaw-slacking. . . that Tangerine is trying to hide all the 1600 Penn evidence -- from the January 6 investigations.

. . .[Tangerine's] attempt to claim privilege over White House records pertaining to January 6 is not, just, an obvious attempt by [Tangerine] to cover up his own crimes. It's not just an attempt to hide how, in contrast to his predecessors, he did nothing as the nation's capital was attacked. It's also an attempt to hide whether Trump invited the terrorists [like Mr. Enrique Tarrio] inside the White House to plot the event. . . .

Because the committee request asks for communications referring to the Proud Boys’ and election results and includes Enrique Tarrio on a list of enumerated individuals covered by the request, the response from NARA might reveal whether the Proud Boys’ leader was telling the truth when he claimed to visit the White House on December 12, or whether the White House truthfully reported that he had simply joined a tour of the building. . . .

This will not end well for Baby-T, predicts. . . Condor.


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