Sunday, November 21, 2021

Actually, Tangerine -- I Was There. So, This (No Surprise) Is A Bold-Faced Lie.

I will make quite short work of this. I hate blowhard liars.

I was there, on both days, walking the streets -- [registering new voters, primarily] in Kenosha, a year and a half ago. I was there the sunshine-dappled day Mr. Biden visited: peaceful, hopeful and thoughtful. . . and three days earlier, when Tangerine rolled in -- like some Soviet era Russian dictator, with a line of assault vehicles, and lined the streets to a local high school with AK-47 weilding military, in tactical gear -- while conducting his and Billy Barr's star chamber local militarizing / policing meetings. Even so, the people. . . were engaging in peaceful dialogues.

He was the cause of great tension among the locals on that gray day. And, just three days later, it was sunny (as Karma would have it!), and people turned out in the black community in droves to hear from Mr. Biden, on street corners, largely unguarded. You tell me, which one contributed more, to "saving" Kenosha? [Hint: In the end, it was neither of them. The people of southeastern Wisconsin. . . saved themselves. By talking earnestly, and peacefully, with one another. No input from Tangerine at all.] Here's Tangerine's preposterous overnight claim, for the record -- and posterity:
. . .Former President Donald Trump on Friday said he was "very happy" to see Kyle Rittenhouse fully acquitted of all charges, adding that he himself "helped save Kenosha" last year. . . .

Poppycock -- see at right, and the links above -- with video to prove it. [I shot all of that, and lots of additional footage, both days.]

Okay -- hushing now. More bioscience, and space- science, come Monday, on the short holiday week.


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