Friday, October 15, 2021

Merrick Garland Is Filing At The SCOTUS Later Today... But Just In Case: Texas SB-8 Lunacy.

IF the Supremes do not reinstate the injunction in Texas, here is the expedited appeal briefing schedule, at the nutty Fifth Circuit.

. . .Appellants’ briefs are due on 10/29/2021

Appellee’s brief is due on 11/12/2021

Appellants’ reply briefs are due on 11/17/2021. . . .

It is. . . frankly unfathomable that even two judges, on the Fifth Circuit think that Texas SB-8 is enforceable law. Judge Stwewart, to his credit, dissented from the refusal -- by the other two, Haynes, and Ho -- to uphold the injunction entered in Austin, at the end of last week. That's. . . crazy.


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