Monday, September 20, 2021

It Must Be Said: This Is Wrong. It Violates All Our Treaty Obligations. Period.

Border Patrol agents using whips, on horseback, trying to drive Haitian asylum seekers back into the river, and to the Mexican side of the border. . . is dead wrong. It is unlawful. It is. . . cruel. Any sentient human knows this.

Whether Mr. Biden or someone else might be, or is in charge -- it needs to end. Right now.

Either we are a nation that honors her treaties -- or we are not. There is no middle way, tonight.

Updated: For its part, the White House is gathering video evidence. If it depicts what the reporters say, these agents should be immediately cashiered (and face criminal charges, if the video supports the same).

More directly. . . we must offer each migrant a credible fear interview, if they request the same, on aprehension.

That is black letter law.



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