Sunday, September 19, 2021

[U] Dewormer... Did NOT "Cure" India -- And Other Lunacies...

Updated: 04.10.2022 -- Yes. I know that Candace Owens' staff uses duck-go-go to search for material which yields the connection to my work documenting Merck's decades long role in eradicating the scourge of river blindness, in Africa.

And yes. I know they are trying to make the case that using animal medicines might cure COVID-19 -- and I am aware that the latest studies find no decrease in hospitalizations or deaths, from using the above. So, sadly -- I need to deface this, and a much earlier fine seven year aged. . . post of mine.

This is dangerous mis-information, from Candace Owens -- I do wish FDA would send her a warning letter, as it did Jim Bakker, for his snake-oil / colodial silver COVID-19 cure claims.

Out. End update.

I'll likely regret mentioning it, but the people deplatformed from Twitter now often appear on a service called

The moron at right was full of polling and pandemic lies from 2017 to 2020 on Twitter.

Now he is full of them at much smaller -- and failing -- gab.

Good riddance. But the idea that humans are injecting themselves with a bovine dewormer... and former river-blindness drug (from use in sub-Saharan Africa). . . is simply. . . beyond the pale.

Onward, to baking -- with baby-girl!


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