Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Mars Chopper's 12th Flight Goes Flawlessly / As Planned -- Scouting New Terrain, For The Rover...

Right on target.

Right on time -- flight twelve now in the record books. "Flying-est farthest" thing, ever -- from any any off-world surface, to any other same world surface.

. . .The chopper flew over a region called "South Seitah," an area that's home to boulders and rocky outcrops of interest to the Perseverance rover team. NASA's JPL called the region a "geological wonder. . . ."

The data she beams back, visual and sonar and infrared -- will help identify promising new (future) drive destinations, for Perseverance -- as the latter looks for future core sample spots -- more solid bedrock formations, to be drilled.

Grinning. . . ever grinning, here -- that's the undiscovered country -- of Sweet Will, indeed.


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