Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Plain Talk Dept.: Due To His Physical Limitations, This Could Indeed Be Very Dangerous... It Is Unfortunate / And, Likely Was Avoidable

The State of Texas has this afternoon announced that its anti-mask, and anti-lockdown Governor has tested positive for COVID-19.

As irony would have it, he has been spearheading efforts to prevent wide-spread conditions of employment imposing vaccination. He has signed laws (of very dubious Constitutionality) to prohibit mandatory masking. That said, I wish ill on no one. The people of Texas should rightly be concerned -- as he is in the zone where this could quickly deteriorate -- just as it did with Tangerine (and he was with hundreds, unmasked, last night; if it turns out to be Delta, he may have caught it from an attending "well-wisher" -- due to his own scientifically indefensible refusal to wear a mask!):

. . .According to The Houston Chronicle, the governor gave a speech Monday night to a crowd of about 600 people where there was little social distancing or mask-wearing. . . .

Abbott has banned face mask and vaccination mandates in Texas. He is currently the target of lawsuits by numerous local governments -- including the city of El Paso -- over his ban on imposing mask requirements. . . .

Officials said Abbott was isolating in the governor's mansion following the positive test for Covid-19 earlier Tuesday; a statement indicated he was "currently experiencing no symptoms" and was "receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment. . . ."

I wish him only a speedy and full recovery. And he should thank his lucky stars that Regeneron's monoclonal antibody product is now available for cases like his. Onward, shaking my head. . . .



  1. I'm sure you saw but, if you didn't: https://investors.werewolftx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/werewolf-therapeutics-announces-clinical-trial-collaboration

    only because you have an eye on Merck.

    be well~~

  2. Thanks so much, Anon. . . .

    I did see it, but haven't read much on it, just yet.

    Kind of a busy day here, elsewhere. . . but I will get something out on it here, tomorrow, by later afternoon.

    Thanks so much -- and you too, do stay well -- and hearty & whole. What's it been? Nine, or. . . eleven. . . years?

    Namaste. . . .
