Friday, July 16, 2021

[U] Friday Night Trivial Grins: In The "Picture — Worth 1,000 Words" Department -- Candace Owens-Farmer's $700 Chinese Phone Sales Scam.

Candace Owens-Farmer is currently hawking an up to $700 A Pop "Freedom" phone, on Twitter.

She claims they are free from what she calls "big tech" censors.

Funny -- she neglects to mention that they retail in China for under $100and the Chinese government monitors them, via backdoor, hard wired access points.

Oh. She is also tweeting her support for the overpriced phone from. . . an iPhone.

You couldn't make this stuff up, if you tried. These Qs, and MAGA morons… deserve each other.

Updated 07.17.2021 — Andrew Torba, the hateful moron running just blasted Candace’s latest grift. I love it when these hyenas tear into each other, competing to steal more new money, from the MAGAts. See below:


1 comment:

condor said...

Hey you -- twice at 3:34 pm... as I wrote about Kate Cox's bravery, in Texas.

Smiling in the sunshine -- but chilly here!

To the cati -- on 12.21.23! You?!