Saturday, July 17, 2021

Back In The Business -- Of Deep Space Star-Gazing! Hubble Science Ops Are... Online, As Of This Afternoon

I am beyond thrilled.

And the discovery, of potentially habitable star systems, and way-back-in-time galaxies. . . will go on, without interruption, now until we can get the Webb space telescope to its L2 point (circa mid-2022). Here's the story:

. . .NASA has returned the science instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope to operational status, and the collection of science data will now resume. This will be the first science data collected since the payload computer experienced a problem on June 13, which placed the instruments in a safe configuration and suspended science operations.

“Hubble is an icon, giving us incredible insight into the cosmos over the past three decades,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “I’m proud of the Hubble team, from current members to Hubble alumni who stepped in to lend their support and expertise. Thanks to their dedication and thoughtful work, Hubble will continue to build on its 31-year legacy, broadening our horizons with its view of the universe.”

The first observation is scheduled for Saturday afternoon after some instrument calibrations are completed. Most observations missed while science operations were suspended will be rescheduled for a later date. . . .

Onward -- grinning ear to ear -- serious STEM, in action!


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