Wednesday, July 14, 2021

[U: Restore Starts, Tomorrow!] The Team Restoring Hubble Is Being Led By A STEM Woman Of Color...

UPDATED @ 6 PM EDT: The green light to begin the switch-over has been given, by NASA higher-ups. The command sequences will be relayed to space, starting early tomorrow. ". . .The switch will begin Thursday, July 15, and, if successful, it will take several days to completely return the observatory to normal science operations. . . ." Do keep a good thought, then. End, update.

Do see this -- does my heart good.

"After many hours of work, Nzinga Tull and her team are more confident they have the resources to resolve the issue. Meet Nzinga, Hubble Systems Anomaly Response Manager. . . ."

We needed some better news -- and this STEM on Fleek story about Goddard's Nzinga Tull -- will do, very nicely! Onward, to the undiscovered country. . . .


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