Monday, July 5, 2021

And... In The "You Love To See It" Dept., Boys Are Attacking Founder (Tangerine Losers' -Palooza Edition)

A guy using the handle "Neon Revolt" -- on that new far right hate site called, is trending (there at least), tonight, because he's called out the sordid history of Trump adviser Jason Miller, the founder of (also a far-right dead enders' board, in formation).

Neon Revolt is discouraging Gabbers from joining Miller's Gettr, because of his being a serial fabulist, a cheat and having beaten a girlfriend or two -- as well as impregnated one, and refused to support the new life he created. All allegedly.

Now, if anyone wishes to take issue with the veracity of those claims, do see, and Mr. Neon Revolt, for satisfaction. I am but a humble republisher of a previously published and disseminated general report, here (see embiggified image at right; click it). [Though I can confirm that all of this putrid history was backed by NYT and Wa Po prior reporting -- during 45's time in office.]

Yes -- the hyenas always turn on one another. I might not have guessed it would happen quite so soon -- but we always knew it would. . . come. Onward. No more trivia then; real substance, tomorrow.


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