Sunday, June 20, 2021

[U: Juneteenth Added] Now, '21 Ebola Flare Up Is Over, Continent-Wide -- With Only 12 Deaths In Four Months In Guinea...

We (collectively) are indeed getting "faster, better and smarter" (as the public health officials on the ground in Guinea were quoted as saying Saturday) at arresting outbreaks in Africa. So very good news. But even one death is one too many.

The outbreak was declared over in DR Congo, early last month. Now we are at all clear in Guinea as well. And to be sure, the use of Merck's nearly 100% effective vaccine is, in no small measure, to thank for that. Here's the latest, from Reuters:

. . .An Ebola outbreak which started in southeast Guinea in February, infecting 16 people and killing 12, has been declared over, the health ministry and the World Health Organization said on Saturday.

"I solemnly declare the end of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea," Health Minister Remy Lamah told a press conference in the capital Conakry, leading to cheers from health workers watching virtually from the epicentre of the outbreak in Nzerekore. . . .

Still in safe mode up at Hubble. . . but we are keeping a good thought.

Now. . . safe travels, to all headed home for a Happy Father's Day. . . we wish you peace and joy, to all of you still with us, and all those now out there (wherever there may be). We are. . . grinning -- ever grinning.

And -- from yesterday -- now endorsed by Ms. Simone's own granddaughter, RéAnna Simone Kelly. . . here is a Juneteenth vibe:



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