Saturday, April 3, 2021

An INDEPENDENT Monitor's Report, From The Southern Border... Filed In Federal Court Proceedings, Overnight.

Stripped of both sides' talking points. . . and filed before the able USDC Judge Dolly Gee in LA (Flores settlement/enforcement litigation), here are some actual facts (and a 2018-19 legacy graphic), about the unfolding influx.

They are current, as of last night -- and show that while the influx is creating difficult conditions, the agencies are acting resolutely and aggressively to alleviate suffering (essentially, the opposite of the former guy's orders). Here's the 30 pager, and a bit. Some Easter Vigil truths:

. . .Though these Emergency Intake Sites provide a standard of care higher than what is possible at CBP facilities, they are not an alternative to permanent licensed facilities or temporary influx facilities like Carrizo Springs. ORR is working with FEMA, the American Red Cross, the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and private contractors to provide “wraparound” services, including the provision of clean and comfortable sleeping quarters, personal hygiene facilities, catering, laundry services, camp management, recreation and more at these sites. However, the quality and scope of these services, including medical care, will need to be continuously assessed with particular regard to the care of children with elevated risks and those who have tested positive for COVID-19 prior to transfer from CBP. . . .

The reopening of temporary Influx Care Facilities intended to operate under the standards described by the Department of Health and Human Services is a welcome development in reducing the overcrowded environment. The rapid development of the Emergency Intake Sites also represents a constructive strategy to move children out of CBP custody while ORR shelter capacity remains inadequate. . . .

However, the number of Emergency Intake Sites locations, their diverse physical layouts, the involvement of multiple government agencies, and the large numbers of children to be housed in these facilities, all underscore the need for strong, pragmatic custodial and medical standards specific to those facilities, as well as an appropriately skilled work-force. The most important of these standards and custodial considerations for the currently planned temporary Influx Care Facilities, Emergency Intake Sites, and any other non-traditional holding locations are identified below.. . .

This is why the Biden Administration is asking federal agency employees to consider deploying to Texas or California to help with humanitarian aid during the influx -- as we clean up the squalid mess Tangerine left behind.

Be excellent to one another. . . out.


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