Friday, March 26, 2021

Today The NAACP LDF Should Start To See Those "Star-Chamber" Materials, In DC, From Tangerine And His Chubby Lil' Sidekick Barr...

This ought to be a day of much clarifying antiseptic -- in the form of documentary sunshine, in DC.

On February 24, the able USDC Judge John D. Bates ordered Tangerine to turn over the below, to the NAACP. Today is that day, so expect it by five, eastern. There is little doubt that the Biden administration has ordered all involved with record-keeping to comply with all lawful USDC orders, of which this is one. So -- look for a download on it, here tomorrow -- before Sister Jean dons her game gear.

. . .Set/Reset Deadlines:

Defendants Initial public release of materials; provide plaintiff an estimate of the volume of remaining materials and proposed scheduled; and provide plaintiff description of any documents or categories of documents defendants continue to withhold based on a legal privilege or FOIA exemption due by 3/26/2021. . . .

Now you know -- and Sister Jean is now pulling for an all Jesuit final game, against Gonzaga -- for the national roundball title. Cool. . . grinning, with one shot all done (from Pfizer; feeling zero off-target effects) -- and one to go, scheduled on April 13. . . do be excellent to one another. Out.


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