Friday, March 19, 2021

Tim Cook Speaks In Favor Of Dreamers' Path To Citizenship...

We need the GOP members of the Senate to get on board here -- and address the inequities. But failing that, we need to pass it 50-49, now that it has cleared the House.

We need a path to citizenship for kids who've only ever known the US as home. Per Apple's Tim Cook, speaking for the Business Roundtable yesterday:

“. . .Dreamers -- who came to America as children and who know it as their only home -- make invaluable contributions to America and certainly to companies like ours. Dreamers have been on the frontlines of fighting the pandemic as healthcare workers, of caring for our communities, and of working in the disciplines and industries that will help America emerge stronger on the other side of COVID-19. As we work to reinvigorate the U.S. economy, we need their continued contributions as equal partners in the American story, and we urge Members on both sides of the aisle to vote in support of the American Dream and Promise Act to help make that possible. . . .

“The vast majority of Americans believe that standing up for Dreamers should be a priority. Once the American Dream and Promise Act moves forward, the Business Roundtable urges policymakers to prioritize bipartisan and practical solutions to fix our broken immigration system, enforce the rule of law and respond to the pressing challenges we face. . . .”

Our continued leadership in the life sciences and tech and space exploration all depend to a large degree on the geniuses now arriving as babies -- and thus, on the continued reform of our immigration laws and policies (post-Tangerine). . . and perhaps most importantly, the US's over half-century of wide open freedom -- for immigrants, here arriving, to pursue their hopes and dreams in peace. Now you know -- grinning -- and let's go Ramblers!



Anonymous said...

Anxiously waiting for your comments on President Biden putting children in cages. And that he is keeping the press from documenting this crime against humanity.

"In this regard, you dear reader, may safely assume that putting children in cages is NOT permitted -- at any licensed facility. Folks, honestly -- this is the way a democracy dies..." Condor, July 5, 2019

"And we all know the kids were left in cages -- ignored -- not even bathed -- for days on end. This is a crime against humanity, still unfolding." Condor, November 2, 2018

"Don't misunderstand, day by day, on a global scale -- with perhaps 32,000 children either missing. . . or in cages -- essentially held, in privately-owned concentration camps (for profit) -- Trump can do far more damage than any biological virus -- and in far less elapsed time. We all know this to be true..." Condor, June 16, 2019

And now we all know the opposite to be true, almost 2 years later, that a biological virus (Covid-19) CAN do far more damage than Trump. And that Biden can do far more damage at the border than Trump.

condor said...

Just now seeing this, Anon. -- after both following the senseless killing of 10 people, and a Boulder police officer this afternoon, where I used to do my grocery shopping as an undergrad, and following the Colorado's loss to FSU. . . I just now saw your comment in my moderation hold box. It also happens to be my birthday, so I was at dinner -- with family and friends. But no matter. Viz. . . .

Here are my thoughts: Mr. Biden is moving swiftly to settle all the federal litigation in California (LA, San Diego and Oakland) that was brought due to TRUMP's wanton disregard of undocumented peoples' rights, at the border, and in urban centers, and on farms, and vineyards and in auto shops there. The litigation will restore undocumented peoples' rights. Full stop.

Mr. Biden has ended AUSA Sarah Fabian's foot-dragging, on behalf of Bill Barr and Donald Trump. This means far, far more people, young and old (originally from all over Central and South America, primarily) are being processed through the border stations.

This in turn is rapidly draining the squalid homeless camps just south of our border. But more people are arriving every day seeking a better life. [That is what our long-standing US treaty obligations promise them. Now, if you have a quarrel with that, the proper avenue is to elect a new commander in chief, and new senators. It is not not not to usurp federal law, and force people into permanent cages, as Trump did.]

Mr. Biden is rapidly addressing this surge, with all available resources. But it is without doubt a mess created by Trump, and yet Mr. Biden must resolve it. That means for a short time, there will be inadequate temporary housing. [In sum, grow up, Anon.]

Your claims are. . . at best, misleading. Trump and Barr regularly held tens of thousands for over 90 days -- in horrible conditions -- it was their intent. Court documents prove it -- video of appeals court arguments made and lost by Sarah Fabian prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Trump fully meant for the dirty cages to be PERMANENT. It was a feature, not a "bug" -- to violate laws and treaties.]

So, in sum, Mr. Biden is doing the right thing -- even if it means that we in the US accept the overflow from the camps just south of our border, in a surge fashion.

Honestly -- I must wonder whether you even understand the issues.

I stand by all my comments about Trump -- then and now -- he's the monster. And I hope you will at least join me in condemning the guy who just used an AR-15 style assault rifle to kill ten at King Soopers this afternoon.

If you intend to say anything about the Second Amendment -- don't say it here -- don't say it tonight.

I will savage you, in prose.

That is all for now.

But rest assured, you are deeply ill-informed, on all fronts -- here drawing precisely the wrong conclusions, from facts you barely understand.


condor said...

By the way, the 520,000 dead in America from COVID-19. . . are (except perhaps about 50,000 that were unavoidable, even before February of 2020) in fact. . . deaths fairly attributable to Trump's complete failure to lead on the topics of sensible virus abatement (masks), and on more thoughtful work on vaccines (not injecting bleach or hydroxy), for nearly a full year.

So again, overall (and with great rancor rising, in my voice). . . do take a seat, son.

Take several, in fact.

Anonymous said...

And you are deeply partisan... and delusional. Full stop.
What a weak attempt to deflect being called on the carpet to defend your current president against the same charges of which you convicted the previous President.
Obfuscating the issue by pulling in the Colorado shooting, or even more frivolous events like basketball games, is not an effective method of debate.
Trump held people in "cages". But Biden is housing them in the same buildings, now graciously called "temporary shelters" in news reports and is also exceeding the court-allowed time frames.
It is a crisis of Biden's own making. Trump enforced border security, as any sovereign nation must (or it is not a nation), which resulted in a reduced flow of migrants (including many with COVID-19) and the "border crisis" disappeared from the headlines for months. Biden signals during the campaign that he would open the borders, he overturns Trump's policies upon taking office, and he is "surprised" at the magnitude of the problem that appears after January 20??

"As the number of unaccompanied children in Border Patrol custody ballooned this month, President Joe Biden's team raced to find more places to house them, leaving thousands of children stuck in jail-like facilities for longer than the 72 hours allowed under the law."
Pretty bad for a Democratic regime when CNN is attacking you.
Biden is not "rapidly draining the homeless camps south of our border" - they are in fact swelling due to Biden leaving our southern door unlocked and inviting caravans of foreign nationals to head north.
Spare us your sanctimonious decrees and ill-informed opinions. Authoring a rambling, incoherent "Life Sciences" blog that talks more about left-wing politics and sports (there are enough of those blogs) instead of Life Science issues does not make you the Einstein of the Illuminati. (The recent entry on the FDA whistleblower is more germane to the subject and closer to what we expect out of you in this blog.)
When you diverge into politics, with your deeply one-sided obdurate viewpoint, you reveal yourself as nothing more than a leftist bigoted hack. Better to stay silent (or at least be fair to both sides of the issue) than to remove all doubts about your mental caliber.
Full stop.
And Happy Birthday.

condor said...

Fine. Here’s the short game. Short sentences; small words:

Please show me the on-record, public statements by Trump that he meant for the cages to be... only temporary. None.

Please explain away his on-record public statements that he wanted to be “rough” on them, to discourage even lawful crossings.

Please address the central issue (you’ve thus far ignored it, asserting false equivalencies by the dozens): Mr. Biden IS ending it. Trump tried to make it a permanent death camp; only the courts saved those children — from being murdered by Trump.

That’s all. Refute even a word of that, chucklehead.

And here's a hint. This is MY house. I'll write whatever interests me. Feel free to leave, if it doesn't suit your fancy.

But do spare me your BS -- you aren't paying for this content. You haven't remotely earned a vote, with any form of worthwhile contribution here.

And in truth, I cannot think of anyone whose opinion I'd value less than yours, given your intentional lies about all of this -- face the facts: Trump did violate the law, On purpose.

So just shut up about your "sovereign nation" clap-trap. A nation is defined most centrally by its adherence to its pre-established laws.

When a nation doesn't adhere to its own laws, it is no more than a... pack of wild animals. Like you -- seemingly... devoid of a soul.
