Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Damage To The Reputation Of The Crown... Is Undeniable, Now: Swift Conciliatory Statement Is Nearly Unprecedented, In Modern Times...

I will let the statement issued on authority of the Queen herself speak for. . . itself.

But it candidly and forthrightly admits to race-related treatment as "concerning". This is a vast acceptance of responsibility, in the context of the almost monastic silence on such matters, spanning ten centuries in England.

Not even remotely enough -- but. . . a start.

The cynic in me would suggest that the overnight/flash opinion polling looks very bad in London, as to the way the Palace (lesser Royals, in particular) behaved for the last two plus years, and toward Meghan and baby Archie, in particular. And though clearly different, it certainly rings an echo to the treatment of Diana.

So -- if this is the beginning of a more open dialogue on that largely antiquated institution, this will be a good thing.

Meanwhile, back here stateside (and not really even off the topic of how humans ought to treat one another!), tonight -- all the "public charge" rules attempted by Tangerine are thankfully dead.

The Supremes just dismissed all the appeals from T's losses, this afternoon. Onward, grinning. . . the sunshine is glorious here, this afternoon.


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