Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Some More Of The Detail, On That Very Fishy McGuireWoods $2.6 Million Government/Tangerine-Engineered Payday...

About two weeks ago, Above the Law ran a rather alarming story (well-before the as NPR-reported conflict of interest was widely-known) saying essentially that it was that publication's understanding that such large sums could not be let on no bid contracts by federal political appointees -- but that is apparently exactly what happened, under Michael Pack. The recipient of that largess? John D. Adams, a McGuireWoods partner (and reputedly a lineal descendant of our nation's second President).

Of course, paying outside lawyers to do what should be internal (flat cost to taxpayers) federal work should always raise flags. . . but when it turns out (as here) that that law firm switched sides, and "fired" a litigation client (as well as -- effectively -- its own partners working on that side of the matter), a client contemplating litigation over these same issues, against that federal agency -- in order to take on the politically-motivated "dirt-digging" work from Pack, the bar authorities need to step in. That is simply far beyond the bounds of any acceptable advocacy, under every ethical canon in force in any of the 50 states, in this author's experienced opinion. Here's the list of at least some of the heavy-handed staffing (and thus high daily billings), on the Pack matter -- again, according to Above the Law:

. . .According to the records, five partners, six associates, two counsel, two staff attorneys, seven paralegals, three case assistants, 14 other timekeepers, and 11 outsourced attorneys were all on the engagement. The engagement was led by partner John D. Adams, who has a ton of conservative bona fides as a former GOP candidate for Virginia attorney general and as a former Clarence Thomas law clerk. . . .

The at least $2.6 million tab was run up in under four elapsed months. Breath-taking. Even so, I suppose nothing Tangerine appointees do should surprise any longer, but this one is. . . well beyond any of that crime crew's usual and ultimately, banal. . . Blarney.


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