Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Rudy G., And "Tangerine Hisself" Will Owe An Under-Oath Answer In The 19th Century Federal Anti-Klan Statute Voting Rights Case Brought By Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, In DC By April 26, 2021

Yet another shoe is falling. The former president, and nominal head of the Republican party, along with his consigliere, and domestic white terror groups. . . are being sued in a 21st Century version of the 19th Century anti-Klan lawsuits (under 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1)). Pre-planned, well-organized, domestic racial terror -- the likes of which we haven't seen on this scale. . . in over 75 years.

By agreement, Baby T will have until late April to explain why he and Rudy G. should not be liable for attempting to intimidate, and otherwise deprive all people (but especially people of color) of their lawful voting rights, in these United States, in this last election cycle. This is a very solid case -- my backgrounder on it all, may be found here. Here's the latest, this morning:

. . .MINUTE ORDER granting [9] Consent Motion for an Extension of Time.

Mr. Trump shall file his answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint by no later than April 26, 2021. Signed by Amit P. Mehta on 3/16/2021. . . .

Now you know -- onward, grinning just the same. . . as we watch the snow melt here now, under coolish steel-gray skies.


1 comment:

condor said...

Just a general comment about the Supreme Court's voting alignments, now that T is gone.

Jonathan Adler says it quite well, and succinctly:

". . .The Supreme Court issued two significant decisions today. In both decisions, the Chief Justice and Justice Kavanagh aligned fully with the Court's three liberal justices, while disagreeing (at least in part) with Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch. Justice Barrett did not participate in either decision as they were argued before she was confirmed to the Court. . . ."


True -- it is only two cases, but this block makes. . . five, no matter where Barrett lands, that is a. . . majority -- at 5-4.

It may be that Kavanagh, as a still very young man, is thinking of his ultimate legacy, as history unfolds -- and that Roberts, after nearly four decades, is thinking that history has its eyes on him, as well.

Finally -- simply adhering to the law, rather than politics (these two certainly realize) may stave off a move to make the court a 13 member body, before 2024.

Whatever the reason, I will take it. There is no doubt that a police officer firing 13 shots into a car that is driving away, with only a suspicion of a traffic offense. . . and hitting the driver, a woman, three times with those shots. . . is a "unlawful seizure" and a violation of her fourth amendment right to be secure in her. . . person.

That, both Roberts and Kavanagh forcefully told Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas. . . was just plain old fashioned. . . common sense. There can be no serious defense of the New Mexico cops' actions here.

Namaste. I like it.