Monday, March 29, 2021

Proving That Unbridled Greed Isn’t Needed — To Succeed, In REAL Life Sciences Efforts…

We are grinning, ear to ear, here. Kudos, to the reborn Humanigen executive and science team! Up over 90% on the NASDAQ this morning! Woot!

The back-story, then: When, in December 2016 — after Martin Shkreli manipulated the old KaloBios stock, wildly — and he was arrested, this company was forced into a nearly immediate bankruptcy reorganization (December 31, 2016). It ultimately changed its name (September 2018), attracted a new and highly-capable executive team, secured debtor in possession financing, and switched its focus to new and novel therapeutic programs, as opposed to the orphan disease price-gouging ideas Martin had suggested — but never executed (due to his arrest and convictions).

Now that far more noble effort has paid off — big time.

Of course, these are top line results, but given an n of over 500 patients, the results are pretty much conclusive: Lenz- helps severely ill COVID-19 patients avoid ventilators, and recover more quickly, and completely. There was a 54% reduced risk of having to be put on a ventilator, if Lenz- was used as a therapeutic against the so-called “cytokine storm”.

So the NASDAQ specialist firms have the reborn company trading completely through the roof this morning, up over 96 45 per cent from Friday’s close.

Congrats, Dr. Durrant and team — you’ve proven that unbridled greed is not the only way to approach life science. And the Universe has rewarded that morality, very handsomely. This team was patient, stayed focused, didn’t overspend — kept several candidates progressing apace, all by not unduly seeking immediate cash salaries and bonuses. Kudos!

I will also cross post this on the Martin blog, and the now-archived KaloBios / Humanigen blog.

I am grinning ear to ear, as well — because I’ve beaten Mr. Obama’s brackets by a minimum of three games, and he can only win one more game that I won’t win, as well. Still, Sister Jean and the boys from Loyola are out… but well-played, Mr. President — well played!


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