Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Given That I Am Right Here -- "Living It", In Real Time, I May Run Occasional Stories On The First Reparations Program To Begin Operating In America...

I will keep this first one very brief (as in truth I am still processing the events at the grocery where I used to do my weekly undergrad shopping, throughout my last two years. . . in Boulder).

Here is the Wa Po on it -- and to be certain, last night's vote really (underneath it all) means only that the Council will continue to move forward, studying a much wider array of programs, but this housing assistance comes as a tangible first step -- in a wider effort.

Afterall, to be a success -- in lifting more of the descendants of slaves into the middle class -- it will have to go deeper and wider than just aid to people already in position to be homeowners. But the measures will be kept. . . very local -- for truly longer term, rooted residents. And thankfully, the robust new local tax revenue from legal weed will allow for such deeper, and wider policy initiatives.

So. . . do watch this space. . . as I am likely to be among the boots on the ground, in the meetings and debates -- as this unfolds here in real time. Onward, trying to manage a faint smile. . . even as an automatic weapons ban, and sensible gun control legislation (with more funding for mental health programs, in the under-served communities) must be a renewed priority.


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