Sunday, February 7, 2021

Intervenors' Answers -- In Texas...

It really does not need mentioning that there is no basis for Texas AG Paxson -- corrupt to the core, himself -- to have filed for a TRO against the Biden Administration, in the inexperienced Texas USDC Judge Tipton's courtroom.

But just for grins, here is a dot point listing of why that is so, from our friends at RAICES and FIEL Houston, over the weekend:


▲ This Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction.

▲ This suit is barred by sovereign immunity.

▲ Venue is improper.

▲ Plaintiff fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.

▲ The purported agreement between Plaintiff and the Department of Homeland Security is void, invalid, and unenforceable.

▲ The Department of Homeland Security and any person purporting to sign on its behalf had no authority to enter into the purported agreement with Plaintiff.

▲ Plaintiff lacks standing under Article III of the U.S. Constitution and cannot demonstrate irreparable injury.

▲ Plaintiff’s claims may be barred in whole or in part under unclean hands.

▲ Plaintiff’s alleged injuries were caused by third parties.

▲ Intervenors have, or may have, additional affirmative defenses that are not yet known but may become known through future discovery. Intervenors assert each and every affirmative defense as may be ascertained. . . .

Flawless -- and on point. On to watch the game, out of the corner of my eye -- with some hot chili. . . and cold root beer. Brownies after, and all infused with the hope and expectation that young Patrick puts up trully colossally giant numbers, as against. . . old Tom.


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