Thursday, January 21, 2021

With Very Limited "Dangerousness" Exceptions, If You Were In Process For Deportation... There Is Now A 100 Day "Standstill" Order.

If any of your clients or loved ones were in any form of US sanctioned deportation proceedings by November 1, 2020, Mr. Biden has, pursuant to clearly lawful authority, ordered a 100 day "moratorium" period to assess whether the current ICE, BPS, DHS and HHS policy schemes violate our existing laws and treaties. [Spoiler alert: they do. See about 35 federal cases, including Flores, East Bay I, II, III and IV, and Ms. L. class actions. Trump was about 1 for 54 in the lower courts. Only his third version Muslim Ban was allowed to remain, at the Supremes. And again, within his powers, Mr. Biden has swept that away with a stroke of his pen last night.]

So -- if you had any doubt (per NPR reporting) about this election mattering. . . put that doubt to rest.

. . .Karen Tumlin, founder of the Justice Action Center, an organization providing legal aid to immigrants, called the step to end MPP "huge."

Tumlin wrote on Twitter that, "It confirms the Biden-Harris commitment to restoring dignity to our asylum system. Here's to the next, critical steps to remedy the inhumane impacts of this shameful program. . . ."

People arriving at our southern borders, whether at an official port of entry, or not so. . . are entitled to basic due process --- a hearing before an impartial tribunal, as to any credible fear of reprisal, in their country of origin or transit.

They can no longer be ordered to remain/return to Mexico or elsewhere.

And we will now spend real resources to try to find the parents of the children Trump snatched from their arms. Onward, into a sunny. . . NEW day, in America. Ms. Simone was/is right.

In a more pragmatic vein (but not entirely trivially, here), I will note again that our lead in technology and life science depends very greatly on fair and humane immigration policies. Out.


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