Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Latest Flores Report, On Children Being Held ALONE, In Custody -- Around Significant COVID-19 Risks -- Is Here, In Full.

As we've said, Mr. Biden is going to completely revamp the way this all happens, very shortly. He has also set out that he will sign an executive order with an eight year path to full citizenship (presumably it will correlatively allow for the immediate release of all of these children and their separated parents, into the interior US in under a few weeks). I expect the Congress will likely agree to its terms, and make it permanent binding law -- since the Senate will be under Democratic control, as well as the US House, until at least late 2022/early 2023.

We already know Mr. Biden will not let Baby-T's team offer preferential (COVID risk increasing) admissions to the US from Western Europe (in a failed attempt at invidious discrimination, against people arriving from our southern ports of entry). We expect Mr. Biden will however, quickly process most of those listed in this report, who are presently held in custody at the southern border facilities -- many for going on a year or more, now -- and likely release them, as well (effectively on i-Bonds), trusting they will return for future hearings, to establish more permanent rights.

And so, I am placing this archival report (13 pages, in all) here, in full -- should it turn out that large numbers of children are still being held without process, at or near the border -- next month.

I sincerely doubt that will be the case, but we will revisit it, if there is renewed evidence of mistreatment in either the federal district courts sitting in Los Angeles, Oakland or San Diego.

I for one am pretty confident that will not be necessay. Onward, to a brighter new day -- and new world, thanks to all of you of good will -- who voted for. . . progress, not regressive "Hunger Games" style "rich take all" capitalism (which is actually socialism/welfare for the top one hundreth of one per cent, and hard luck for the rest of us). Onward, smiling -- with barely 20 hours left, I'm like a 1950s kid -- on Christmas Eve.


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