Thursday, January 21, 2021

More, Of The Departing "Baby-Tangerine" Shenanigans, In East Bay Sanctuary III -- This Will Shortly Be Enjoined, In The Federal Trial Courts In Oakland...

Make no mistake. Very shortly, the able USDC Judge Jon S. Tigar will enjoin (ruling in favor of this motion, just filed) the outgoing Baby-Tangerine claims of a new "final DHS rule" in the southern borders / asylum matters. This is so, (i) because Mr. Biden has ordered a pause to such new rules, as of yesterday, and (ii) on account of a cogent memo of law from the plaintiffs' counsel filed today, but drafted before noon yesterday -- when it was not yet a fact that Mr. Biden had issued an enforceable executive order halting any such measures. . . from taking effect.

Yesterday, the White House placed a freeze on new regulations, and it squarely addresses abuses like this one; an abusive action taken just as Team Tangerine was departing 1600 Penn. In the new directive, Mr. Biden's administration provides:

. . .Should actions be identified that were undertaken before noon on January 20, 2021, to frustrate the purpose underlying this memorandum, I may modify or extend this memorandum, pursuant to the direction of the President, to request that agency heads consider taking steps to address those actions. . . .

I can laugh about this nonsense now. He is an impotent, embitttered increasingly irrelevant old man now. I can. . . laugh, directly -- at him. He's engaged in such a transparently futile. . . act. Hilarious.


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