Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Back To The Power Alley: Merck's Attempt To Collect Nearly $2.7 Billion In Patent Case Is Over, With... Zero Recovered.

Maybe we can get back to the rather less tumultuous affairs of all things pharma again, now. . . . jusssst maybe.

Over the last decade, we closely covered the Sovaldi® (sofosbuvir) patent battles here. And Merck's intitial multi-billion dollar verdict has been closed out, as the Supremes declined the case to re-instate that verdict, after an appeals court ruled Merck's patents invalid. Here's the bit, from FiercePharma, yesterday:

. . .In its Tuesday update, the Supreme Court said it would not take up the lawsuit between Merck subsidiary Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Gilead Sciences. Merck had won the $2.54 billion patent verdict in 2016 when a jury found Gilead had infringed on a Merck patent. The jury ordered Gilead to shell out those billions because of its high sales for hep C meds Harvoni and Sovaldi.

During the years that followed, the companies battled over the massive award. In 2018, a federal judge found Merck’s ‘597 patent invalid and overturned the verdict. . . .

Onward, with three new inches, soft and fluffy on the ground -- and a bright, single digits windchilled day out there -- Lady Gaga and J.Lo killed it! Huge grins, henceforth. . . .


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