Saturday, January 2, 2021

As We Predicted, Team Baby T Has Voluntarily Abandoned Its Appeal In East Bay IV Immigrants' Rights Class Action.

As we've been saying ever since Mr. Biden won, the government's appeals of its nearly uniform losses -- in various civil and human rights cases -- will be dropped by Mr. Biden in any event.

But in the least plausible of the Baby-T appeals (like this one, arguing that ICE and BPS are not to be held responsible for "lost" kids in their own custody, if they were originally placed there under HHS orders -- and claiming Baby T may impose gouging fees on immigrants from the Southern Border, but not from Europe), we are now seeing the staff AUSAs abandon the most frivolous of the appeals. This is the one in East Bay IV, out of Oakland -- it has been dumped from the Ninth Circuit calendar, as of New Year's Eve.

. . .MANDATE of USCA as to [106] Notice of Appeal to the Ninth Circuit, filed by U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Chad F. Wolf, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services.

Appellants' unopposed motion (Docket Entry No. 9) for voluntary dismissal is granted. (cjlS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/31/2020). . . .

Onward -- smiling as I ride out into the glorious sunshine -- of a new Saturday's dawn, a new year, and with some luck -- an new era in human rights. . . now opening.


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