Monday, December 7, 2020

"One Of These Things... Is Not Like The Others..." But Very Clever, And Whimsical, Just The Same -- So It Earns A Mention...

It is absolutely clear that this is no McCracken [as it is decidedly pointed at the top, like many a post-modern skyscraper]. It may not even be made of metal, at all. But it does sport a very nicely burnished faux metallic golden paint job.

And, most of the Spanish language tweets (like the one quoted below) that depict photos of this one ("found" apparently on Sunday in a field about an hour north of downtown Bogata -- in a small town called Chia, which in turn is home to an. . . astronomy-related museum or institute, of some sort). . . make comments humorously tying "the end is near" sentiment -- to the end of runaway inflation, in the country.

So for all these whimsical and clever reasons, it deserves a post of its own. One tweep, then:

. . .Encuentran Monolito en Chía.

Se acerca el fin, el fin de los precios altos.

#MonolitoEnColombia. . .

It increasingly looks like a pretty smooth planetary arc may be drawn from Moab, through the Northern Netherlands one, down to Romania (but not really to either Joshua Tree or Pine Mountain in California -- or north of Bogata). . . so I am increasingly inclined to rule the latter three out, as non-genuine articles. [Because. . . what reputable scientist worth his or her salt. . . hasn't eliminated data-points that refused to be forced into a pre-conceived narrative?!]

Onward, ever smiling -- at the crinkled corners of my green Irish eyes. . . be excellent to one another. . . 'tis the season. . . to show your feelings, about those you truly care for. Smile.


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