Tuesday, December 1, 2020

More... McCracken (Like "More Cowbell!"): If We Were To Assume The Romanian One Is A Knock-Off... And Use Google Earth...

If you haven't figured it out already, I am entirely. . . smitten with the idea that this famed American sculptor, gone now for almost a decade, left behind some form of mysterious tribute to the Kubrick/Clarke tour-de-force. That it might be unfolding on the cusp of the twentieth backer-versary of the movie's setting. . . and the tenth, of his passing. . . is all the more soul-stirring, for me at least.

So, being the obsessive sort(!) that I am, I arose early this morning, and starting using Google Earth, to draw bright yellow straight lines across the globe, from the Utah lat./long. -- to the Mount Ceahlau, Romania lat./long., and then see what landmarks the yellow line might plausibly pass over. Not many, in truth. Not even that many interesting topographical features, either. [But I may try flying the globe, not from Moab, but from the city of Piatra Neamt, Romania to Moab, essentially going "the other way 'round the globe" passing through Asia to the Pacific, rather than through Europe and over the Atlantic, later today -- time permitting.]

In fact, I may prepare a series of these -- assuming other sites, like near Stonehenge, or the pyramids (in Egypt or Mexico), or Machu Pichu might ultimately be the chosen site(s) of another "deposit/appearance". And then draw lines from them to Moab -- seeing what (else) is right on those global "meridian" line(s). But since the first Romanian trek was a dry well, I drew a line from Uhuru, the most sacred spot of the indigenous peoples in Australia -- back to the canyon south of Moab, and. . . viola!, the yellow line passes directly over the easterly out islands of Papua New Guinea.

Given that it is likely McCracken (as a NYC artist of substantial note) would be aware that in the 1950s, some of the Rockefeller scions simply crated up, and made off with sacred burial totems (which, the island people believed were in fact the embodiment/receptacles of the spirits of their ancestors) off those islands, without honoring the ancestors -- and then installed them in a downtown Manhattan museum, where they sit to this day (without the required context and reverence). . . I wondered: could there be another. . . monolith -- along the way, to Uhuru, left there -- as atonement, for the prior Rockefeller sins?

And some may recall that the tale of the likely cannibalization of the younger Rockefeller, as told in the book "Savage Harvest" captivated me six years ago -- and the tabloids' told tale of the young man's disappearance may also have been known to Mr. McCracken. So, I will use the satellite imagery to scour those islands for evidence of monolith. . . shadows. Karma is a wheel, it seems. . . .

It will indeed be ironic, if it all turns out anything like this.

In any event, it makes for good story-telling, by our home hearths and fireplaces. And that may be just what we need, to get through this coming winter, before the vaccine is widely available. Onward (will add to this later -- but day duties call).


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