Thursday, December 3, 2020

And... "Nepotism Barbie" Spent Several Hours Under Oath Yesterday, In DC -- Answering Tough Questions In A Deposition -- About Misuse Of 2017 Inaugural Committee Money.

You just. . . love to see it.

This is just the beginning of what will be perhaps dozens of these under-oath chin-waggles, for her -- and pops and Donnie Jr. in the coming months -- in DC, New York and beyond. From CBS, then -- buckle up, butter-cup:

. . .Ivanka Trump was deposed on Tuesday as a part of an ongoing lawsuit from the Washington D.C. attorney general, which alleges the misuse of funds from President Donald Trump's inauguration in 2017, new court documents show.

D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine sued Mr. Trump's inaugural committee and the businesses overseeing Trump International Hotel in Washington back in January, claiming the nonprofit inaugural committee coordinated with Trump family members to overpay for event space in a way that enriched the Trumps. Racine claims the inaugural committee knew it was paying above-market prices and failed to consider cheaper alternatives. The lawsuit, filed in D.C. Superior Court, alleges more than $1 million was wasted on improper payments to the Trump Hotel for event space during the 2017 inauguration. . . .

Couldn't happen to a. . . more richly-deserving family of crooks and grifters. Out.


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