Thursday, December 3, 2020

About 49 Days Until Mr. Biden Will End This Nightmare / National Disgrace...

There is yet another 14 page status report, filed overnight in San Diego -- for the status conference / hearing tomorrow, in that US District's courthouse before the able Judge Sabraw.

The occupant of 1600 Penn., and his little flunkies, continue to dribble out phone numbers previously withheld -- for the parents of the now perhaps 666 children in custody whose parents the ACLU and related lawyers have been unable to find. It would be important to know on what (clearly meritless) basis the DHS/ICE/BP/HHS agents claimed these phone numbers could be withheld -- essentially all Summer and Fall. The involved officers ought to be charged with obstruction of lawful federal court orders, by official act.

From the more hopeful portion of this latest status report, then -- a bit:

. . .[T]he Steering Committee has established toll-free telephone numbers in the United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and El Salvador to receive inbound phone calls from potential members of the expanded class. The Steering Committee has distributed this number both by email and U.S. Mail to a number of non-governmental organizations and other community organizations in the United States, who may be able to help us locate parents because they work in the communities these parents are likely to have contact with.

In addition, the Steering Committee sent letters in Spanish and English to approximately 1,600 addresses provided by the government for the potential class members that the Steering Committee has not yet reached. These letters explain our role in this action and invite parents to contact the Steering Committee to call these toll-free numbers. The Steering Committee continues to monitor voicemail boxes reachable via these toll-free numbers, and plans to renew its mailing effort with the new address information received for children and their attorneys from the government on November 25, 2020.

Additionally, as previously reported, the Steering Committee has undertaken broad-based media outreach efforts to publicize the toll-free phone numbers created by the Steering Committee in Spanish language media. . . .

It is insane that the ACLU is having to pay for advertising (it will ultimately force the government to reimburse) to try to find parents that these goons "disappeared". 49 days. . . . 49 days.


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