Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Perhaps Coincidental... But Perhaps... Not. Monolith No. 3 Is Very Near The Site Of A Massacre... As Was The Moab Object...

. . .And I'd be willing to wager there was a massacre of an indigenous group, by outsiders, at the fort/battlement near where the Romanian monolith "appeared." [I suppose, to be fair -- if one were to look back far enough -- perhaps almost all locales have some touch to such oppressive history.]

I've taken the liberty of drawing an "as the crow flies" line from Moab, through Pine Mountain, California -- and then straight on to Uhuru, Australia. The line will pass over some of the Hawaiian isles (also sites of massacres). . . the Solomon Islands (same). . . and the easterly portion of Papua New Guinea (sadly, same). . . before reaching Uhuru. The history there is well known.

Will it turn out that Mr. McCracken was literally reminding us of the way the hominids in the early sequences of "2001" touched the monolith -- and in the process, acquired knowledge, and then both began hunting, with weapons, and then shortly after -- killed the leader of a rival band of hominids. . .? Was he? Honestly, it is feeling more than a little likely. Here's a bit of the Twitterverse's chatter, as reported by C|Net, tonight:

. . .Late last month, a 2001 Odyssey-like monolith appeared in the Utah desert. Not long after, another identical-looking structure appeared in Romania. They've both since vanished (men were photographed dismantling the Utah monolith). Now, yet another monolith has been discovered, this time in California.

"There is currently a monolith at the top of Pine Mountain in Atascadero!" tweeted Connor Allen on Wednesday afternoon, with a trio of pictures capturing the strange new monolith at the top of Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California. . . .

I do increasingly suspect the Romanian was a one-off, by a local welder -- but no doubt there was violence at the nearby long razed fort/garrison in the third to six centuries. So. . . could be, could still be -- and fit my emerging theory. Onward. . . and, g'night now -- to all of good will. Smile.


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