Wednesday, November 4, 2020

TikTok Case Update In DC Tonight... Trump's Putative Order Is Still... DOA.

True to his word, here immediately after Election Day 2020, the able USDC Judge Nichols, sitting in DC. . . held an additional hearing on the injunction he put in place last month to prevent Trump's lawless attempt to dismantle TikTok.

No surprise, but since several additional federal district courts have also enjoined Trump's scheme since he entered his first order, the able Judge has asked for additional three page briefs by Friday, as to whether the plaintiffs/TikTok really actually need any additional injunction orders, since other courts are now also prohibiting Trump's attempts. Moreover, by Friday, we may know that Trump is a one term president (joining only Poppy Bush and Jimmy Carter), in the last 75 or so years. And that would make it easier to just tell Team Trump the First Amendment means. . . what it says. Here is the order, in any event:

. . . .MINUTE ORDER. As discussed during the hearing on November 4, 2020, the Parties shall submit supplemental briefing (not to exceed three pages) by November 6, 2020, discussing whether Plaintiffs still face irreparable harm in light of the October 30, 2020 Order in Marland v. Trump, No. 2:20-cv-04597 (E.D. Pa.).

Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on November 4, 2020. . . .

I find that the idea that Trump must agonize obsessively, over this loss, in slow motion. . . over the next three or five days. . . oddly satisfying. And I do grin at the new order: Twitter is now pretty regularly slapping warning labels on most of his Tweets (due to their falsity); that is when Jack's minions are not off-lining his statements, outright. This is the sort of agony he deserves, since he so relishes inflicting it upon others. Karma is a wheel -- afterall, baby. . . onward.


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