Wednesday, November 4, 2020

At Nearly 2:20 In The Morning... Trump's Toweringly-Irresponsible False Claims Dept.

When Rick Santorum(!), at nearly 3 AM EST, on national television [and Ben Shapiro on Twitter, a few minutes earlier] BOTH say Trump is now acting in an astonishingly irresponsible manner -- even for Trump, we should believe them.

The supposed president. . . claimed it was a fraud. . . to count all the votes validly cast. Pence tried to clean it up, but that is what he said. At after 2 AM EST this morning. Twitter had blocked his tweet as being false information, about an hour earlier. Biden will likely still win, but it will be close. Very close. Onward.



  1. I don't get this...close outcome. How/Why? Are we really that disconnected from one another? Does ~49% of the American people really not care about others? Sorry for the venting. Just wanted to speak my displeasure with us.


  2. I absolutely feel the same way. . . .

    Glad that we are on, now nearly-certainly, to a new 46th President. . . but a little fearful of all the cruelty the soon-departing thug has lined up until January -- as scorched Earth tactics.

    Feel free to vent away -- I'll listen, and agree.

    And I certainly had hoped to get the Senate to turn blue, too. . . but that seems a long-shot now, unless Trump's own offensive litigation filings reveal fraud in the Southern Senate seat races -- by the GOP, itself.

    But we shall. . . see. It is huge, for people of color, and all people who've ever been marginalized -- their whole lives, or for these four long years. . . that his divisiveness is. . . departing. One way, or another.

    P E A C E. . . .

  3. I fear it is not departing; even if/when he gets voted out. There are too many of his ilk that want to perpetuate this cruelty. How the Senate could stand by with the separation of children; how we demean people of color; how we restrict people with different religions...I only see a stalemate within the country with Biden as president and the Senate remaining with Mitch.

    I am disheartened

    Thanks..hope you and your family remain well.

  4. Biden closing in on 270... he's all but got AZ, MI and WI now. Perhaps PA in a few days. . . but by then, PA would just be gravy, on top.

    I will hold a good thought. . . that you and yours are and stay well, as well. . . through it all.

