Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump Lies -- Tells Fox He Is Now "Immune" To COVID-19, One Week After Respiratory Distress From It.

This is simply. . . a lie. And Fox said. . . nothing. The network is now responsible for all the excess deaths Trump's rallies cause.

As good as the Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail is, and as promising as Remdesivir is. . . these candidates manifestly do not confer immunity. Only a vaccine will do that. Here is The Guardian (UK) reporting on it:

. . . .In a wide ranging 30-minute interview on Fox News on Sunday, Trump insisted he was completely free of the virus, without providing medical evidence, and further claimed, implausibly, he was immune after receiving an experimental cocktail of antibodies, antiviral drugs and steroids during his hospital stay. . . .

This man is a danger to himself, and more importantly to his nation. Vote this ignorant, lying, non-sciencing A$$ out.


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