Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Live Blogging Far Right Domestic Terrorists' First Hearing In Michigan...

We will get underway as soon as all the appearances are entered on the record... on hold now.

✿ Defense attorneys have appeared. We are underway.

✿ Two defendants will have their preliminary hearing Friday; all others to go forward now.

✿ FBI Special Agent Trask testifying now... nine years as FBI -- 15 years in law enforcement.

✿ He is the affiant in the charging documents. FBI monitored these defendants since January 2020.

✿ Dublin, Ohio meeting occurred -- multiple self-titled "militias" from five different states met. Not real militias at all.

✿ Discussed both Michigan and Virginia Governors -- and threats of harm -- due to "lock-down" orders to ameliorate COVID-19.

✿ Most of these defendants were at the Michigan state capitol armed protests. [These are far right terror groups.]

✿ Wanted to storm the capitol with 200 men, kidnap the Michigan Governor, and then put her "on trial" -- before 2020 election

✿ By mid-August the plan had evolved to attacking her at her lake side vacation home, and blowing up a bridge that provides access to it... the group was scouting and surveying the sites, creating maps, timing police distance/response times.... [This is truly... jaw-slackingly terror-inducing]. . . .

That's all I needed to hear -- ending the live-blogging. These are not left wing groups, you congenital liar, John Hinderaker.


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