Tuesday, October 13, 2020

[Power Alley Return! Updated @ 3 PM EDT] Moderna Rising, As JNJ Halts Clinical Trial To Conduct Safety Review: COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates Update

UPDATED: For its part, Lilly, while not testing a vaccine -- but rather a therapeutic -- has paused its trial, due to a safety concern, here this afternoon. This literally is bleeding edge research, folks. Onward. Ever onward -- end, update.

JNJ's stock will be fine in a few sessions, as it reported robust Q3 earnings, and raised full-year guidance, this morning. But as proof of the idea that one should not take the word of a congenital liar and former reality TV show host(!) as gospel -- in complext matters of vaccine bio-science. . . there was apparently at least one serious adverse event in one arm of the JNJ candidate trial. [Moderna has moved up for four days running now, and is above $75, pre-market, again -- but still remains a bit shy of the all-time high of $95. Now you know. Grin.]

There have been some hiccups in co-leader Pfizer's trials as well (and sadly, Pfizer is the company most visibly being pressured by the village idiot residing at 1600 Penn -- to rush things). So far, though -- it looks like Moderna's mRNA candidate is largely free of the concerns seen in the non-mRNA (old school) vaccine candidates. But to be clear, we have quite a distance to traverse yet, through a dark and tangled wood. And we will let sound science (not some moron) call the ball, on the finisher. Here's a bit:

. . . .Johnson & Johnson’s late-stage coronavirus vaccine was paused after a participant reported an “adverse event” about 36 hours earlier, the company’s chief financial officer said Tuesday.

The pause will allow the data and safety monitoring board to thoroughly investigate the unexplained illness, CFO Joseph Wolk said in an interview. . . .

“What it should also do is reassure the public that every scientific, medical and ethical standard is being applied here,” Wolk added.

J&J confirmed to STAT News on Monday that a “pausing rule” in the 60,000-patient clinical trial had been met, but declined to provide further details on the patient. . . .

We are quite optimistic that a safe, effective vaccine will emerge, but it may not emerge until the end of Q1 2021. Do not listen to the Tangerine Must-o-lini. Onward, smiling at the corners of my eyes, from behind a very stylish mask. . . .


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