Monday, October 12, 2020

Music City Hoodwinked Into A "Super-Spreader Event" By An Out-Of-State Carpet-Bagger, Claiming To Be A "Preacher"...

To be fair, there are at least some marginal religious freedom issues here -- but the fact that this guy held a completely unauthorized mass event, after being denied by Nashville officials. . . is all I need to know about his vain pride, and sinful ego [and the Carpenter. . . he would tell him so. . . he is the hypocrite in the temple (Matthew 23:4-6), in this telling].

In the time of a global pandemic, with over 214,000 already dead in the US. . . "time, place and manner(s)" would be the correct view here. But his lawyers are presumably hammering on the "shall make no law" phrasing of the First Amendment (in a misreading of the cases). This is, at best, horribly irresponsible. No one is persecuting "christians" -- by asking them not to do things that place everyone else in a city. . . in their damage path.

It is just a very, very odd time, in America, I guess -- with these small c christians plainly not caring a whit -- about even their own brothers and sisters. Here's the story -- from the Daily Beast, overnight:

. . . .“We just feel this call to really target cities that are under extreme turmoil and despair and brokenness,” said Feucht, who ran for Congress this year in the California Republican primary and lost, in a podcast in September. “That’s why we’ve gone into places like Portland, downtown Portland a block from the riots.”

But. . . Feucht is “being pathologically dishonest about a mythical narrative of Christian persecution. Churches are not closed. They never have been. Many of us have had to go virtual for a time because loving our neighbor is our primary calling as Christians and right now loving our neighbor means not exposing them to a deadly virus, but we still had church, even if it was online. We were never singled out for our faith.”

. . .[A]dded Hunt [and your erstwhile Editor here], “I would be shocked if he was held accountable in any meaningful way.”

“He’s already on his way to his next sanctified superspreader event,” he added. . . .

This all will sort itself out, once we have some more competent national leadership. Out -- with the haunting warm rains abating here. . . smile.


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