Wednesday, October 7, 2020

[U:10.08.20 AM] 38 Minutes In -- And We Ought To Invoke The "Slaughter Rule" -- Sen. Harris Has Buried Pence. He Ought To Go Home.

And Pence won't stop cutting her off and stealing her time. . . So, yes, even he now knows he has lost.

Senator Kamala Harris is clearly Mike Pence's better -- in every sense of that word. Out.

Okay -- I cannot resist. The fly stuck to his head for over five minutes. . . because flies can smell poop, when it is being flung.

Eventually, even the fly left -- as it realized Pence's lies were ultimately. . . boring.

Updated -- this morning (10.08.20), the debate commission announced the next debate would be virtual -- not face to face, due to safety concerns. [This also means the moderator could cut a mic -- or cut away -- from a participant, for repeated rules violations, by way of example.]

So, naturally, Trump has declared that he won't participate -- not in a safe, fair debate. Charming.

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