Sunday, September 6, 2020

We Await A Statement, Likely From PhRMA, Denouncing Political Interference In FDA (Human Safety) Vaccine Approval Processes...

That is the import of the above masthead.

There hasn't ever been a need -- in the past 100 years, certainly -- for scientists to speak out against a then-sitting president, one who is attempting to push his thumb down (for a supposed-re-election advantage) -- on the scales of good clinical trial practices, in the process for an eventually-FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine.

It is. . . astonishing. More, when the statement is released.

But I suppose (less-seriously), the best metaphor for this above Trumpian attempt -- is the now three weekends' running self-sinkings -- in his would-be supporters' "bath-tub navy". . . [or as they refer to themselves in central Illinois, "white trash boaters, who vote"] as most of these supporters aren't even smart enough to understand the scientific principle of wave- (or in this case, wake-) amplification -- in an enclosed body of water. I am genuinely glad no one was injured, but seriously -- if this is his base. . . it explains. . . so, so much. Onward, grinning.



Anonymous said...

So much smoke and mirrors.

This is all a farce. Trump knows the FDA is corrupt and that they would go all in to help him and the drug companies cut every corner possible. Even to the extent of approving largely ineffective of dangerous vaccines. Even so they're obviously not corrupt enough for him either that or it's just another thing he'll point to to claim the election's rigged.

condor said...

I hear you, my old friend.

I guess. . . I'll gently and politely. . . disagree.

I do believe the career science staffers at FDA have zero to gain from pushing a dangerous, untested vaccine forward, prematurely for Trump.

Trump cannot give them private sector jobs, in pharma.

Moreover, it is glaringly obvious Trump has no need for any REAL scientist, of any stripe. . . should he (improbably) be re-elected -- as we all now know (from multiple on video "decisions") he will make these decisions based solely "on gut instinct" (as he says) -- which is to say. . . on whatever Jared, Ivanka, Steven Miller, or Trucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingram tell him he should do. Or whomever he spoke to. . . last.

Where we may agree, is in your last thought: Trump will claim, when he loses, and then a safe and effective vaccine is approved in say March of 2021. . . that supposed "swamp FDA people" held it back, to prevent his winning. Because, of course, everything is only ever. . . about him.

Namaste, man. . . .

Anonymous said...

We'll have to disagree. First there is the issue of selection of the reviewers where management will likely select those who they know are likely to just cut and paste and not look too closely. These reviewers will likely know based on what they've observed that approval will be rewarding in a couple of years by a promotion or a well paying job in industry. In contrast if an honest career reviewer happens to get assigned, which will only happen if circumstances require it, then for doing an honest job that person will likely be signing onto not just no promotions but also poor reviews harassment and even possibly attempt to get rid of them or assignments where they shrivel on the vine.

The FDA is used to helping industry over the public interest and they know lots of dirty tricks where no reviewer can possibly be aware of all of them.