Sunday, September 27, 2020

This Is Still A Human Being We Are Talking About. I Have Empathy, For the Man... And The Tulsa TikTok Thing... Clearly Broke Him.

Look, I will make no snide comment about him, myself. He is plainly ill, and suffering -- and needs help. It is good that he's been hospitalized. Maybe he might now begin to repair whatever in him. . . is so deeply broken -- far away from all his firearms.

Even so, it would be logical to infer. . . that the timing of the release of the top-line, on tonight's order in DC, enjoining Trump's attempt to ban TikTok, nationwide. . . looks like more than just coincidental to the sad events just now in Ft. Lauderdale.

And so, for tonight, I am going to completely ignore the Trump avoidance of federal income taxes story in the NYT (though come tomorrow it will properly garner immense attention -- about the fitness of the current occupant of 1600 Penn.) -- and just remark again, on what a cast of. . . well, odd ducks Trump seems to spend all his time and energy with, and on. That alone ought to give voters pause: is there anyone in his mal-administration or campaign who is not already. . . tainted in some significant way? I can think of no one.

Finally, some political pundits are suddenly openly speculating that Trump will use this Parscale melt-down as an excuse to skip the Tuesday debate. He certainly won't want to answer Mr. Biden's pointed questions, in front of America -- when it is equally clear that the Bidens paid over $3 million in taxes last year. . . while Trump paid. . . $750.

Personally, I'd think a no show is. . . unlikely. If Trump is a no show at the debate -- it means he is conceding a landslide loss, 35 days before it transpires. We shall see. Do keep a good thought for this man -- he needs to find his way out of those dark woods he has, in fairness, placed himself deeply into.

. . . .Police have not confirmed that the barricaded man was Parscale, who worked for Trump, but records confirm that the property in the 2300 block of Desota Drive in Fort Lauderdale is owned by Parscale, 44, and his wife, Candice. Local 10 spoke to neighbors in the Seven Isles neighborhood who also said it was the former advisor to the President.

Fort Lauderdale Police responded to a home in reference to an armed male attempting suicide Sunday afternoon. When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with the wife of the man who told them her husband was armed, had access to multiple firearms inside the house and was threatening to harm himself. She had placed the 911 call, according to police. . . .

I wish him. . . peace. And, starting tomorrow morning, Trump is likely to have no peace whatsoever -- nor should he. A metaphorical Hurricane Katrina, fashioned of all his own collected lies. . . is now descending on his little house of Go-Fish cards.



Richie said...

Why assume that Parscale’s breakdown was real and related to mental health?
That’s not a fact in evidence.
Knowing he is a political operator and has a reputation for dishonesty it could easily be a contrived situation spun to keep him from jail for domestic violence and provide him with a criminal defense strategy while garnering sympathy from a potential jury pool.

condor said...

Thanks Richie -- and I do hear you. It certainly could be -- but I'll let the police-generated evidence, as the same becomes available -- help inform that decision, for me.

I think there is now a pretty credible witness statement or two that he did in fact physically assault his wife, on more than one occasion -- and ABC reported at around noon today that the SWAT team had to "tackle" and subdue him when he would not comply with their orders to lay prone as they approached him, with weapons at the ready.

All that said, I guess I can hold two (relatively opposing notions) in my head at once:

(i) he is in a state of psychological distress -- lost his job; embarrassed his admittedly gullible, goofy candidate at what was to be a signature rah-rah political rally; became the butt of teenage TikTok-er jokesters. . . all of which caused a temporary "break" with objective reality; and

(ii) he should be punished for crimes involving allegedly wildly mis-spending campaign funds, in clearly non-authorized ways (he allegedly used over $300,000 of the campaign cash to advertise his OWN web-brand, not the president's); for a pattern of hitting his wife (if the allegations are accurate) and perhaps even some false testimony in a few sworn proceedings.

Both (i) and (ii) can be true -- and being in psychological distress is not the end of the question, under criminal law. He would have to show that he didn't appreciate the difference between right and wrong, in order to skate.

The fact that (allegedly) he tried to hide the lavish spending, and tried to cover up the injuries to his spouse... would suggest that he well-knew what he was (also allegedly, at this point) doing was... WRONG.

After his psych hold (anywhere from four days, to three weeks I think, depending on what the admitting doctor signs the orders for, under Florida law), he may well be charged for all the conduct, including reckless endangerment with a loaded gun when police ordered him to surrender, immediately, last night.

It seems to me this is the likely way it all plays out: soon he will be charged.

But he needs to be stable enough to survive in lock-up, pre trial (a real probability under Florida law), should the judge at his preliminary hearing in Florida order him taken into a more permanent custody.

Namaste, and thanks for the thoughts -- do stop back and check in, from time to time.

condor said...

Here is a video of the arrest moment. He's not looking particularly. . . out of his gord:
