Thursday, September 17, 2020

There Is Credible Evidence That Non-Consensual Sterilizations Are Being Conducted On ICE Detainees...

Deeply disturbing stories are now emerging -- as documented in The New York Times, NPR and Vox -- as just a few examples. Most of the reporting presently relies on a facially-credible [now identified] nurse / federal whistle-blower, and at least one of which interviews a Cameroon-born ICE detainee, herself. See below. [The ACLU will shortly be filing suit, no doubt.]

If Trump's goons have been conducting "eugenics" sterilizations, on asylum seekers in ICE or DHS custody. . . a whole new class of crimes against humanity are now being conducted "in our name". We need to see more from the US House's ongoing Congressional investigation, here -- but this is a bit, from one such report:

. . . .Pauline Binam, a 30-year-old former detainee at Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia, had been in custody for about two years when she started having irregular menstrual bleeding. She feared that confinement was taking its toll on her body.

Binam, who came to the US from Cameroon when she was 2 years old, was being held at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center while awaiting deportation.

According to her attorney, Van Huynh, she consulted with medical staff at the facility who told her that the condition could be treated by a minor surgical procedure in which a doctor dilates the cervix and scrapes off the lining of the uterus.

Instead, the doctor informed her that he had also removed one of her fallopian tubes and that she could expect to have difficulty conceiving if she wanted to have more children. . . .

Who are these people -- who are the gynecologists conducting these procedures? They need to be charged. And we all need to. . . vote. The very existence -- of our two centuries' old civil liberties and freedoms. . . clearly depend on it now.


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