Saturday, September 26, 2020

Meanwhile, A Longer- (Easier-) Schedule -- For WeChat, Out West -- Defending Its Injunction, Against Trump's Lawlessness

In a late night Friday order (considering East Coast time-zones), the government / Trump got nearly nothing of what it asked for, in a motion to tighten the schedule to be heard, on its motion to stay the WeChat injunction, on the West Coast (see below in blue). This means no matter what else happens, Trump's "order", supposedly to take effect on this very Sunday night -- will be enjoined nationwide as against WeChat, until at least mid October.

It is hard to imagine how TikTok's outcome will be very much (any?) different, in front of the able USDC Judge Nichols in DC, by late Sunday night -- that is, if we assume the DC district court will apply the same legal analysis to short video sharing services, as was applied to (primarily) Chinese text sharing services. Here is the West Coast order, in full, as we wait for Sunday at 9:30 AM in DC, and the hearing.

. . . .Order by Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler.

Given the parties' representations and the disputed scheduling, the court sets the following briefing schedule for the pending motion to stay at ECF 68:

Plaintiffs' opposition due Thursday 10/1/2020; Defendants' optional reply no later than Tuesday 10/6/2020; hearing set for 10/15/2020 at 9:30 a.m. If the court can do it on a tighter time period, it will let the parties know. The parties must submit chambers copies of their filings. The court terminates the motion to shorten time at ECF No. 69.

(This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (lblc5S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2020). . . .

We will add the DC plaintiffs' papers, when the same are filed this afternoon -- but here is the as-redacted DC version of Trump's papers (clearly modeled on the West Coast papers, we linked yesterday). Onward. . . with a regular monthly therapeutic hot-stone massage (masked and COVID contained), in home today. . . so, I'm smiling.


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